Seeking to identify a suspected poacher
/The Conservation Officer Service of BC is seeking to identify the following suspect:
On October 20th 2013 at approximately 8:10 am, near Mallory Rd in Creston BC, a witness heard a number of gun shots. The witness went to investigate and observed a male dragging a doe across the field.
Further investigation by the Conservation Officer Service determined that 3 mule deer does were killed out of season and left at the scene.
The suspect is described as:
- White male, slightly tanned
- 175 cm (5’10”), 81.6kg (180lb)
- Dark brown eyes
- Jet black hair, well maintained, short on the sides- longer on top
- Small “soul patch” under bottom lip
- High cheek bones
- Straight nose
- Rounded Chin
- Soft spoken and well mannered
At the time of the incident the suspect was wearing a camouflage jacket and dark pants. He was carrying a rifle with a synthetic stock and a blued barrel.
Anyone with any information is asked to contact:
- Local RCMP detachment
- Crimestoppers- 1-800-222-TIPS(8477)
- Report a poacher or Polluter (RAPP line)- 1-877-952-RAPP(7277)
/The sponsors below are offering a reward to anyone who can provide information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible for the poaching of 2 bull elk in the Mount Sentinel area of Castlegar on April 5/6, 2014.
If you have information, you are requested to communicate, in confidence, anything that might pertain to the above-mentioned incident.
Please call the the BC Conservation Officer
24 Hour Hotline R.A.P.P.
Cellular Dial #7277
Report All Poachers and Polluters
This reward is sponsored by the following organizations and businesses:
- B.C. Wildlife Federation-up to $2000
- Castlegar & District Wildlife Assoc. - $500
- Nelson District Rod & Gun Club - $500
West Kootenay Big Game Trophy Assoc. - $500
Trail Wildlife Assoc. - $500
Valley Firearms, Trail - $500
2014 Pat Archibald Award - John Harmston
/March 1, 2014
The Pat Archibald Annual Memorial Trophy is awarded by the Trail Wildlife Association (TWA) to a person(s), or businesses whose goals, like those exemplified by Pat, are to protect, enhance and promote the wise use of the environment for the benefit of present and future generations and have not been recognized for their efforts.
This award is presented annually at the West Kootenay Big Game Trophy Association Awards banquet.
Tonight this presentation will be awarded to one of the current Trail Wildlife Association executive members for his hard work and service. He is one of those volunteers who have done a lot of behind the scenes work and he has done it so quietly and efficiently that it often goes unnoticed by the rest of the executive and the membership.
An active member of the Trail Wildlife Association member since the early 1990’s; he has organized the Violin lake fishing day, helped out with tree planting projects, worked on the Murphy Creek spawning channel project and also helped out with the Rocky Mountain Goat Transplant when goats were brought from the East Kootenay and released north of Trail.
He has represented the TWA at many meetings over the years:
Just name a few:
- West Kootenay Outdoorsman
BC Wildlife Federation Conventions
Hunting Regulation Reviews with the BC Ministry personnel and other interested wildlife groups.
Waneta Terrestrial Compensation Program (WTCP) that provides funding to eligible conservation projects in the Waneta area.
He started out as out treasurer and later added a second job as the secretary/treasurer. Ever since he took on both of these jobs he has kept the TWA running smoothly and efficiently.
It’s an honor to present this year’s Pat Archibald Annual Memorial Trophy to our Secretary/Treasurer John Harmston.
Wildlife Awareness Week
/February 17th – 22nd, 2014
Trail Wildlife Association Awareness Week a Success
This was the 5th Annual Wildlife Association (TWA) Awareness Week held at the Waneta Mall and it was a tremendous success. We would like to thank all those people that attended the display, purchased raffle tickets and offered words of encouragement for the conservation work that we do.
We would also like to thank all the venues and their volunteers and sponsors that took the time to participate in this event. Special thanks to the Waneta Mall for allowing us this time slot and to the Trail Times for their coverage of the event. The executive of the Trail Wildlife also would like to thank Terry Hanik TWA President for all his hard work in organizing this event for the past 5 years.
The winner of the box of goodies at the TWA table this year was Alyssa Berdusco.
Displays by;
- BC Conservation Officers
Bear Aware
Bill Radulovich – Wildlife Paintings
Boy Scouts Canada
David Palmer – Inlaid Carvings
John Lind – Carvings & Paintings
Kootenay South Metis Nation
West Kootenay Archers
West Kootenay ATV Club
West Kootenay Big Game Trophy Association
West Kootenay Fly Fishermen
West Kootenay Marksmen and IPSC & Cowboy
Playmor Power Products Ltd.
Secret Creek Supplies
Trail Wildlife Association
Valley Firearms